Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Alignment at last
Shana Tova and Ramadan Mubarek

September 3, 2007

May this be a year of double happiness. At sundown last night began both the month of Islamic month of Ramadan and the Jewish New Year. Holidays can do nothing other than coincide from time to time when you’re both sporting lunar calendars. This will be the last time for awhile as Ramadan comes earlier each year. Ramadan is a month of reflection in which daytime restriction induces deep personal reflection. Daylight restraint is celebrated en group when families and entire communities come together each evening to break the fast, the Iftar meal. Fasting ultimately leads to feasting.

Rosh Hashana, although the Jewish New Year, is not a balls out affair, compared to other folks’ New Year celebrations it’s downright demure. Possible cause is that Rosh Hashana kicks off the period calls the Days of Awe, the 10 day period before the chaotic and humanistic day of atonement, Yom Kippur. For Jews this is a period of temperance and reflection in which one is obliged to a.o.t. forgive others, ask forgiveness for one’s own wrongdoings and hopefully to be forgiven.

debra at 3:59 | | post to

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