Bone marrow
January 30, 2008
Roasted cow bone right out of the oven.
Maybe it’s because I was sick with flu for the past 2 months and had no appetite. Maybe because bone marrow used to be considered a restorative food for ill people. Maybe because yesterday, going to and from yoga practice, I just wore 2 pairs of sweats under my pants. Maybe because my friend Marlein gave me that great cookbook with a yummy bone marrow recipe, Nose to Tail Eating by Fergus Henderson. Maybe because I’ve got carnivorous house guests.
This picture represents a perfect food pyramid for omnivores with a healthy mixture of green, purple, alive and dead.
Whatever the reason, I was so happy to be hungry again and bone marrow was on my mind. Why these buttery goodness sticks aren’t roasted and sold on every single street corner as the most delicious snack you can spoon onto toast, sprinkle with salt flakes and pop into your mouth is a mystery to me. I mean, if most of the year you eat like a hippy vegetarian, a little bone marrow every now and again will only produce a state of bliss. Plus it’s nice to eat more than just animal T&A.
debra at 4:14 | | post to
bone marrow is delicious. tho the picture of the lady with the bone in her mouth is….errr…. shocking!!
Comment by David Barrie — February 1, 2008 @ 20:48
OK, the above bonesucking + the next post’s mushroom phallus? I think you’re right, it just might be time to start dating.
Comment by MEM — February 6, 2008 @ 10:13
Yeah, it’s going to be great, this bone sucking dating thing.
Comment by debra — February 6, 2008 @ 10:26
I laughed so hard coming across this picture. One of my favorite pictures of my boyfriend shows him with 3 rib bones sticking out of his mouth. So keeping looking, the perfect one for you is out there.
Comment by Charcuterista — February 11, 2008 @ 7:38
Dear Charcuterista,
(Great nick!) Finally, someone who understands my humor. Thanks for the encouraging words on finding a man with just the right percentage of Brains, Beavis and Butthead. It’s a tall order, I know, but you’re right… he’s out there.
Comment by debra — February 11, 2008 @ 12:18