Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

The Occitanian slug lounge

July 27, 2008

Slug party, Debra Solomon, culiblog.orgThere are more than 12 slugs in this picture

Today I moved a pile of recently weeded Jerusalem Artichokes and uncovered a sexy slug lounge. I counted more than 24 of them in a stretch of 60 cm, dressed up like little orange hedgehogs, one wearing a tiger print, plus a zillion baby slugs about to be born. Enormement degoûtant. They were taking a disco nap so that later tonight when they got the munchies, they could snarf up my micro mizuna lettuces!

Mizuna seedlings in the Occitanian kitchen garden, Debra Solomon,
There are less than 12 seedlings in this picture

I’m hoping that by simply clearing the vegetation they will get the hint to go somewhere more fashionable. Kristi thinks I should set out a plate of beer to drown them in and then let the birds have a party. I’m filled with emotions beyond the scope of the situation and feel somewhat betrayed by permaculture.

Mulch mat on the path and horseradish leaves covering the chard seedlings, Debra Solomon,
Hope slugs don’t like horseradish leaves…

debra at 0:48 | | post to


  1. Christie has the right idea, let the little critters have some bierra, then the birds can have some fun. Tante Suzon waged a long and only marginally successful war against her own local band of pelecypods. Her best weapon was a pair of size Birkenstock sandals.

    BTW:Are local pelecypods edible?

    Comment by dad — July 27, 2008 @ 19:29

  2. I’m afraid to say that in my experience that beer is the only option (ironically the one and only time that beer is the solution) we had slugs out the wazzu when I was a kid, and we tried a few methods, but in the end getting them good and liqueured up worked like a charm… besides, it’s not all that bad of a way to go… right? certainly better than the salt option.

    Comment by Watson — July 28, 2008 @ 17:19

  3. HI Dad and Watson,

    Beer it is. Thanks for boncouragement.

    I’m sure the slugs are edible were it not that my neighbours all use chemicals. If the slugs just stuck around my property, they’d be pure as hell.

    Still, they’re hardly demure escargots, they’re bigger than banana slugs and slightly less attractive.

    Comment by debra — July 29, 2008 @ 16:58

  4. hey there

    you’ve probably already tried it, but just in case… we had slugs for a while and my gramma told me to spread a whole bunch of egg shells throughout the soil… worked like a charm.

    also, you probably already know this, but egg shells provide a great deal of much needed calcium for plants to grow.


    Comment by Paul — August 5, 2008 @ 20:52

  5. I tried the beer. I never found any slugs in it. Then I tried putting the little darlings into some beer during my nightly slug and snail chasse. Each morning I would check the beer container. No slugs. I decided they were enjoying our good beer, and then returning, inebriated, to enjoy more of my choice flowers. So it was back to the size 8 Birkenstock method.

    Comment by Tante Suzon — September 6, 2008 @ 21:26

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