Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

It’s not easy being green

October 6, 2004

We asked ourselves if Absinth was legal in the Netherlands and without waiting for the answer popped that screwcap right off the bottle. It was a first for me to have actual manufactured absinth instead of the bitter homemade wormwood brews we used to make back in the day. This stuff was almost too delicious to be real so once the kid was in bed we did the natural thing and started lighting it on fire.

HM and KL cooked an excellent dinner (mostly HM) and their 4-year old son EM cheerfully explained to me that I was the guest and that he was the host. Now that’s child-rearin’!

No, EM wasn’t asking me to behave, he came upon the idea all by himself when he wanted to serve me some grated cheese.

debra at 18:49 | | post to


  1. Who are all these abreviated people?

    Comment by KvR — October 6, 2004 @ 20:26

  2. trouwens, kijk jij wel eens naar mari’s? volgens mij HOUDT ze erg van een commentje

    Comment by KvR — October 6, 2004 @ 20:31

  3. abbreviated people - LOL - you started a trend and I just followed it. It’s a privacy thing, non? HM is Hermen Maat, artist. KL is Karen Lancel, artist, EM is the insufferably cute Emo Maat, 4 years old and already knows what a host is! Emo offered to sprinkle grated cheese on my risotto. I declined his offer and decided to self-sprinkle because I had an intrusive thought that included boogers. But it was really nice of him to ask.

    Comment by hot debra — October 6, 2004 @ 21:16

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