Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Google Recipe Finder

October 2, 2004

The fabulous R.vT. came up with this Google Recipe Search link.

Forget typing in turkey, or wild boar. It’s just a search engine, go crazy and try tofurkey + lemon curd or monkey + banana + camenbert! Suddenly nothing seems wierd anymore. (Does this mean that I miss China?) Anyway, it’s Sukkah, a Jewish harvest holiday conveniently scheduled each Autumn when ‘God wants you to try eating something new’. Yeah.

Which reminds me, my brother Aaron made up a game when we were little in which the sole aim was to make the other person barf. The rule was that you had to concoct a mixture of edible substances (no poison allowed) and dish it up to your sibling � and they had to eat or drink it. Yes. Try it sometime, it’s much harder than it sounds.

In this game we discovered that toothpaste is surprisingly versatile as an ingredient. Aaron came up with a toothpaste-orange juice and tabasco sauce smoothie that was fairly effective in getting me to gag and I came up with a peanutbutter and toothpaste sandwich which was impossible to swallow. Toothpaste, who would’ve thunk it?

R.vT. offered to shop for me since my ankle was sprained Wednesday in a bike accident. It’s difficult for me to accept graciously because I am able to stand and walk. Even so, he was a right sweetie today and helped me do my shopping at the hippy market. This is what it’s going to be like being an old lady. Carrying a shopping bag with the aid of a friend.

(Respect also to the super lief MM, who cooked and shopped and was a rock of gezelligheid when I couldn’t walk, as well as neighbours GS and BK who brought packs of frozen beans to discourage swelling.)

debra at 22:35 | Comments (1) | post to

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