Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Feeding Frenzy

July 19, 2004



I see my formerly skinny friend licking her fingers and I go into a cooking frenzy. These pictures were not posed.

Yes, I have arrived safely and will start blogging regularly again. Pardon the hiatus.

debra at 13:05 | | post to


  1. Who would have guessed that Kristi would ever publish these kind of pictures of herself ? :-)

    Comment by Heleen — July 19, 2004 @ 20:55

  2. sorry, not kristi - but her computer and I forgot to check. kristi is chuckling gutteraly in the background, her round features heaving to and fro.

    Comment by Debra — July 19, 2004 @ 23:27

  3. I figuered that out allready! Just thougt it was funny…
    I’m curious how Kristi likes the pictures…

    Comment by Heleen — July 20, 2004 @ 11:28

  4. ziet er werkelijk zeer smakelijk uit.

    Comment by mama — July 20, 2004 @ 13:08

  5. ziet er werkelijk zeer smakelijk uit.

    Comment by mama — July 20, 2004 @ 13:08

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