Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Smart Taiwanese Packaging (because you never know when you’re going to want to tuck into that Discorea Mixed Congee snack that you’ve been stowing away in your purse for special occasions)

July 1, 2004

The spoons that come with the Taiwanese bean beverages that I bought yesterday snapped neatly into the lid. Unfold and click and you’re ready to suck up all the goodness.

debra at 14:04 | | post to


  1. Well maybe “smart” but the packaging reminds me a lot of hospitals. I believe there should be a “dirty” touch to food. Of course it should be hygenic etc but “dirty” like in Kate-Moss-Dirty. This is more like Meryl Streep: disinfecting soap al over.

    Comment by Kristi — July 3, 2004 @ 21:22

  2. I agree completely. I’ll be posting in the next few days my Italian spoon forks that illustrate your point nicely. These are spoons made of recycled plastic, but they look like they’re made out of ‘gut’ or horn. Beautiful. They also have an organic feeling to them and you want to keep them in your mouth. The spoons provided with the Congee packaging had a flat bottom - this feels very strange in your mouth. ‘Bad Mouth Feel’.

    Comment by Debra — July 12, 2004 @ 14:20

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