Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Milk tasting, and you?

January 5, 2005

As I said, not eating solid foods affords you a chance to try new things. Tonight we did a little experimental milk tasting. Because we’re on a juice fast and generally behaving as self-righteously as we can we decided to bypass the locally produced cow, sheep and goat varieties and test the locally imported almond, rice and oat milks.

Oat milk was the clear winner in the category; Tastes Like Something I Might Drink Even When Debra Isn’t Forcing Me.

debra at 22:19 | Comments (1) | post to

Juice fasting, and you?

It may look like a *beer but it’s just fresh-squeezed pineapple juice. We’re fasting, remember?

After the holiday gorging, after the guests have gone, we decided that it was high time to do a little juice fast, just a short 3-day holiday gift to our gut flora for putting up with the over-indulgent behaviour of the past weeks.

I like to fast a few times a year and JT was curious about my assertion that fasting can be relatively painless. I will address some of the issues of juice fasting in the coming entries.

What I most enjoy about fasting is the opportunity it gives me to approach food in an entirely different manner. I use the juice fast to create new recipes and techniques for all things liquid.

And how is JT doing? Just fine. We just returned from a long walk along the river, through 17 farmers onion fields and vineyards, strutting over too low fences and broken stone walls up to and around LaRoque and back. JT will be glad to tell you that lunch was satisfying even if it was entirely brown (home-pressed juice from local apples and a bowl of miso soup).

* A Belgian Wit Bier

debra at 11:51 | Comments (0) | post to

Enough with the raw food already

January 3, 2005

We just couldn’t eat them all so they’ve been in the fridge in a wet tea towel since the 31st. I wouldn’t have guessed that after so much time you could still eat them raw, although upon opening more than 2/3rds of them were perfectly delicious looking, smelling and tasting. Those deemed not perfect were only a bit dehydrated, not unlike ourselves after overdoing the champies.

I decided to warm them in some melted butter, chopped garlic, rosemary sprig and bay laurel from le chateau.Gawd damn do I love oysters! It was J’s first time on New Year’s and we told him that eating an oyster is like biting into fresh and solid seawater. Now he sees oyster eating as a superior option to actually going swimming.

Oh and here’s what else was going on… JT, Kristi, Fred, Kristine, un grand tour de leur chateau, aussi la Palmiére, la cascade, et toutes pour lui.


debra at 17:10 | Comments (0) | post to

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