Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Milk tasting, and you?

January 5, 2005

As I said, not eating solid foods affords you a chance to try new things. Tonight we did a little experimental milk tasting. Because we’re on a juice fast and generally behaving as self-righteously as we can we decided to bypass the locally produced cow, sheep and goat varieties and test the locally imported almond, rice and oat milks.

Oat milk was the clear winner in the category; Tastes Like Something I Might Drink Even When Debra Isn’t Forcing Me.

Those aren’t my cigarettes by the way. We’re fasting remember?

debra at 22:19 | | post to

1 Comment »

  1. Yo–I am on a quest for my own soy and rice milk making madness. Being a faster at the moment myself, I’d love if you could share a few of your milk-y DIY links!

    Comment by Joanna Swan — February 27, 2011 @ 6:25

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