Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Gastarbeider Dating,
the Hungry Man’s
recipe 4 luv

February 6, 2008

courtesy of, used entirely without permission
Suggestive profiling image from Mediamatic’s Gastarbeider Dating Site (now in beta!) and used entirely without permission

Because 2008 is about solving all of life’s little problems, one of my New Year’s slash Tu Bishvat resolutions was to start dating. Now I always like to throw in a little bit of achievability with the lofty and ambitious resolutions, and although dating is proving to be a smidgeon more difficult than improving one’s handwriting (and 81 times more time consuming), it is no less satisfying.

So when Mediamatic, one of Amsterdam’s best cultural platforms announced that they would start a dating site for people in the arts, media and design, it seemed like a more aesthetic solution for me than duking it out on J-Date.

Making daikon kimchi butterflies
Blog author’s kimchi butterflies in her stomach

Here’s the Mediamatic dating site blurb:

A liberal use of the F-word in my profile, (now removed to preserve some anonymity) landed me a few gents willing to talk about food and food culture in our initial dating correspondence. I was betting on food’s broad metaphoric value to get things revved up, but now I’m thinking that us art and design types should cut to the chase when sniffing each other’s butts.

courtesy of, used entirely without permission
Suggestive profiling image from Mediamatic’s Gastarbeider Dating Site (now in beta!) and used entirely without permission

The dating site is an art piece by Mediamatic, but it’s very real indeed. Ten days on and the dating pool is thankfully growing, so that it doesn’t get more incestuous in this town than it already is. Single alpha males above and beyond the age of… 35 (!) will not be disappointed with the throngs of super fab cultural sector ex-patriettes that grace the Gastarbeider Dating site. Please feel welcome and invite your brethren. (Maybe a good idea to ask them to invite their brethren as well.) Plus it would be very helpful if some of the more festive gays would come over and show the hetero art & design nerds how to yuck it up a little.

Here’s an original recipe that I got from Bachelor #1 (not his real name). Looks yummy, so I edited it a bit and thought I’d publish it entirely without his permission. Is this a hot recipe?

Mediamatic Gastarbeider Dating is open from Wednesday to Sunday, 16.00 - 20.00 hrs.
Please invite your brethren.

debra at 1:34 | | post to

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