Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Food causes gas, and by gas, I mean greenhouse gas

September 7, 2006

Greenhouse gas emissions linked to the production of a kg (roughly 2 pounds) of food. Meat refers to the “carcass equivalent”, with bones but without processing, packaging, or transportation. Source IFEN 2004 for France

Jean-Marc Jancovici, whose website on climate change with readable, chartful and well-documented articles, estimates that roughly one-third of carbon emissions are a result of just simply getting the grits on the table. Although Jancovici has thoughtfully translated his French texts into English, one has to read them with a French accent to get through the Franglais. But chapeau to the man who does his math and collates all this research into easy to understand facts. Check it, below!

Now check out what happens when one farms organically. Source IFEN 2004 for France

debra at 6:53 | | post to

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