Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Utopia is near

December 9, 2008

Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking Food Flow at St. Etienne's Internationale Biënale du Design / CITY ECO LAB / Debra Solomon,

Back in the saddle after a fun and hugely productive work period at the Saint-Étienne Internationale Biënale du Design where I was invited to show the Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking project in the City Eco Lab. John Thackara brought together a burgeoning toolshed of projects that demonstrate how communities and regions are using design to create sustainable local systems for food, energy, water, mobility, education and responsible economics. My work focussed on food systems and optimizing the use of community food flows.
Swiss designer Clara Ouchène photographs the Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking output of just one day reworking the City Eco Lab's food flow. Debra Solomon,
One day’s worth of food flow recipe output

In the coming posts I’ll write about some of the other projects that were inspiring to me, expound on why I exhibited pots of kimchi, choucroute and garlic skin oil, and talk about the cookbook I made to document the biennial’s food flow together with the Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking chef du cuisine, Paul Freestone.

Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking Food Flow  chef du cuisine Paul Freestone shares some sugar-free love at St. Etienne's Internationale Biënale du Design / CITY ECO LAB / Debra Solomon,
Chef Paul Freestone shares some sugar-free with young visitors to the biennial.
Culiblog author forages for vegetables in the gardens of Soupe de Ville at the St. Etienne Design Biennial as part of City Eco Lab. Debra Solomon,
Culiblogger forages turnips at the Biennial
Pot of apple and turnip kimchi demonstrating lacto-fermentation at the City Eco Lab as part of the Int'l Biënale du Design in St. Etienne. Debra Solomon,
Lacto-fermentation as a design solution?
Utopia is near, sign written in food flow fruit leather, Debra Solomon and Paul Freestone from Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking, installation at the City Eco Lab, Debra Solomon,
Debra Solomon and Paul Freestone

debra at 17:52 | | post to

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