Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Peach Lessons

August 2, 2004


Janine Digout is going to give me peach lessons tomorrow. We ate these for dessert last Wednesday and I have to say I have never in my life eaten either a peach or a nectarine as delicious and perfumed as than the ones that she served us that night. And I used to live in California! And we had a peach tree growing in our gardens!

Still there is one thing that Occitania lacks (I can only think of one)… Meyer Lemons. If the Langue d’Oc would have this superior sort of lemon it would be in fact the most perfect place on earth.

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debra at 9:20 | | post to

1 Comment »

  1. the lesson ended up being, ‘look, buy this peach.’ nothing more, nothing less.

    Comment by debra — August 17, 2004 @ 12:03

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